Thursday, January 22, 2009

Storm settled!

Yes, Norma that was a storm I went thru and the calm at the moment feels better! I've been getting things done and just trying to plan for next Wednesday my fourth Chemo. I keep thinking I really need to vacumn the floor before next week. I just don't feel like I still have the energy to do it. I'm going to see what Matt says and if he will do it. He works so hard at his job I just hate to ask him for help. He has a very physical job working on landing gear for the Air Force Base. He only works on Air Force planes. It will get done one way or the other. I'm trying to now figure out dinners while I'm not feeling well. I'm trying to get organized and make some dinners up in advance. I just keep thinking that's what I'm going to do....I haven't done it yet but I'm thinking about it!!! Maybe just TV dinners? Oh, will be fine. I know the Relief Society will and have brought in meals but I hate to depend on them so much. It really was nice to have their help.
I went to lunch with Ryan (my son) girlfriend Tiffany yesterday. We had a really nice visit. She is having the baby in about 2 months and her name is going to be Gracie. I'm so excited to get to finally see that baby when she arrives. She is due the first of April. It will be so fun to have a new little baby in the family.
Well, I hope everyone of you know that I appreciate so much your prayers and again those sweet little voices that go up to heaven, I think they have some kind of pull.....don't you think so? So sweet. I sure had fun with Daniel,Shannon and my little Blakely last week when they came to visit. Blakely is getting so tall! She is so funny and everything she says and does is the cutest ever! I hope they come again soon. Love, Karla


Jenny said...

You sweet, sweet thing, I love you so much! I wish I were in Utah to help make dinners for you and vacuum your floor! Just remember, every single day we pray for you here in Fargo. We send our "voices" up to heaven for you constantly and you are always in our thoughts. Let people help you as much as is their chance to be God's hands. I've added you to my blog list and I'll be posting regularly and I'll call you now and then too! You can see my blog at mywildwestboys.blogspot. It is my goal to keep up on my postings as much as possible! Anyway, hugs and kisses!
Love, Jenny

Angela Ash said...

Love you Karla...waiting for another update!!!

Karla said...

Hi Jenny girl! Here it is April and I'm just now getting your comment! My computer was down for almost three mo. Thanks to your Dad and Mom I'm now able to update! I'm so glad to have your blog. I hope your OK in Fargo. We have been concerned for you guys and ask your parents always how it's going! We love you lots! Love, Aunt Karla