Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's been almost a month since I've posted anything. I don't get many comments so maybe that's one reason. How do I get this out to you? Well, non the less I will still update even though I'm not too good at this! I'm healing on the chest but it's taken way longer than I thought it would. I've been seeing a Lymphoma Physical Therapist twice a week and it's been helpful with the pain and swelling that occurs when you have Lymph Nodes removed. As you may remember I had 18 and 12 were cancerous. I therefore will be starting Radiation in two days everyday for six weeks. My body has not responded also as I'd like as far as energy or even being able to walk is a challenge. I have Neuropothy in the hands and feet which is a side effect of the Chemo. Chemo stays in your body for some even as long as a year!!! I hope not! I can't hardly do anything....even cooking, watering the garden, etc...wears me out! My feet hurt and burn. I'm so wobbly also....but it is getting better really. I went to my MD and he started me on Lyraca which is suppose to help the numbness in the feet. I also stopped taking Ambien for sleep, since I'm on other sleep medicine this was suppose to help me get off the Ambien! I don't like it even though it does help. I rested last night but didn't really sleep. My poor body the things it's been thru. It's still amazing how God has made us and how well it responds to healing as we try and take care of it. Matt always says in his prayers help us to take care of ourselves and treat our bodies as temples! Isn't that sweet. Matt is a "gym rat" and I sometimes wished he were home but I'm really actually proud of him how he does work out and trys to take care of his body. We have our problems with our bodies and it's never too late to take care of ourselves. I need to stop with all my sweets at least just control it better~my goal~hey I'm eating a banana right now! OK, I've already had some cookies too. Well, at least we have our garden put in and when it starts producing I will look forward to all the good stuff especially home grown tomatoes! Yumm It's all thanks to Iwan and Lyndel Black!!! They are so awesome! I'm the very happiest when I get to see my grandchildren and children. It totally makes my day!! Also, when friends call and come to visit.....I love that too. We actually got a visit from the Stake Presidency last week. That was so sweet! I got a hug from all three of them! I'm just rambling now and most of you are tired of reading this.....but I'd love to hear from you.
Love,Hugs to all of you. Karla