Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Crissell Paskett just set up this Blog for me!! I'm so excited to get to have this.....She is just the sweetest person in the world....(So is Spencer) I love them both!
For any of you that might be interested in my progression! I guess that's the best word to describe it at this time. The Chemo is trying to reduce and kill the "bad" cells but at the same time kills the "good" cells. I'm really on a learning curve at the moment. But, if I had witches powers like in the Wizard of Oz I'd sure put a house on that bad cell!! Well, it is what it is....and here goes the ride on the broom. I have inflammatory breast cancer that has large cells in the lymph nodes. I will be on Chemo for 4.5 mo. with shots just about everyday here and there. Ogden Regional,McKayDee,Davis...the shots are the pits. Just to let everyone know it grows very quickly and that's why they didn't pick it up 6mo ago on the mammogram that I had. Craziness. Those of you that have some encouraging words for Matt he's devistated! His previous wife died at age 40 after suffering one year with her battle. It's a bad dream that he is very worried about having to live thru again. I don't know if I have the strength to keep him going but I'
m trying as feeble as that is. Thanks for your Prayers, Karla


Angela Ash said...

We love you Karla...since we've known you in Texas your smile and happiness has always been a huge blessing for our family. Michal and Mallory both have such fond memories of spending time with you. You are strong both spiritually and physically, and it sounds like you have an amazing husband to help you through this. Our prayers are with you.

Love...Angela and Terry

Norma said...

Hi Karla!

We love you lots, and our prayers and thoughts are with you. Hang in there on that crazy broom ride and just keep doing what you are supposed to do!

Love, Mike & Norma

ps. I love your blog - it's pretty darn cute! I just started one so I'll send it to you.